However, it is important to remember that it is still WORK and appearance matter a lot.

Use Discretion
Just because you’re dressing casually doesn’t mean you should ignore what your clothes say about you and your work. Never wear sweatshirts if they make you look like you slept in the office. Jeans are great but be careful that the slashes or rips don’t resemble a thug. Distressed jeans, jeans with holes in them or those covered in paint splatter are generally unacceptable as they look messy. Fit is important too. Very baggy or skinny jeans are not going to cut it; boot cut or straight-legged jeans are going to be the most professional option.
Take Care to Look Organized
Always be sure to look your best. Casual Friday isn’t the same thing as Saturday. Put in effort. This is crucial especially when you are in a casual attire since the details are even more important and visible. Make sure that you look great and presentable.
Choose Your Shoes Appropriately.
Never wear Flip flops. Nobody is interested in seeing your feet but shoes and sandals protect your feet better. Ballet flats and certain kinds of sandals are excellent option for women, blending both style and comfort. Men should consider loafers as a casual alternative to more restrictive business shoes. Sneakers can be tricky, use colours that are not too provocative.