The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, United States, has reportedly directed that members be refunded of their three years of tithe.
In a letter dated May 3, 2020, being circulated on social media, the President of the Church directed that members who have been paying tithes since May 2017 be refunded to serve as help during this coronavirus pandemic.
“The ongoing pandemic has created serious challenges for many members of Church, especially for those who suffered loss of employment and other financial setbacks due to economic problems. Our hearts go out to all members of the church during these trying times,” the letter read.
“The Lord has blessed his Church greatly during prior years of prosperity. We have felt impressed to consider what more the Lord would have us do to care for those in need.
“After much discussion, earnest pleading and heartfelt prayer to know the will of the Lord, we feel strongly that Lord’s storehouse should be opened for a season for the blessing of His saints.
“We are pleased to announce a general Tithing Refund Program to serve as a help in these difficult times. The Church will refund up to three years of tithing payment directly to members who have contributed in the past.”
The church said both active and former members who have paid tithes in the last three years are qualified to receive the payment.
“Eligible recipients include all active and less-active members, as well as all former members who paid tithing or or after May 1, 2017.
“Members should contact their Bishop or branch president to request a refund,” it added.
See the letter below.